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24 novembre 2010

Microsoft Kinect : Let's move your body !

Microsoft Kinect : Let's move your body !
[EN] Nintendo launched the trend with the Wii and the Wiimote wich can analyze players' movements ; Then Sony, strongly inspired from Nintendo, proposed few months ago, Playstation-move, a controller that, combined with the PS3 camera can analyze with...
1 décembre 2010

Acer liquid metal : now reveal the power of Androïd !

Acer liquid metal : now reveal the power of Androïd !
[EN] In the category of "Android phone“, here is an incoming device from the Acer company, a computering giant that had, during a long time, disappointed, and which is now back into the race with an attractive product successful and powerful ! First benefit,...
24 septembre 2010

Focus on the french artist Pierre Armand : Art & Object

Focus on the french artist Pierre Armand : Art & Object
[EN] Focus, this week on the French artist Armand, painter and sculptor,whose work is currently honored in an exhibition at the Art-Centre Georges Pompidou (in Paris). His work, which survived his life, and now comes to us, intact, as fixed by time. This...
27 août 2010

La rentrée de Katy Perry

La rentrée de Katy Perry
[FR] Aujourd'hui sort en Europe le second opus de Katy Perry, une chanteuse Californienne qui surf sur une vague pop colorée et décalée. L'occasion de revenir sur une carrière fulgurante basée sur la singularité et l'originalité d'une artiste qui ne mâche...
1 septembre 2010

Direct Star s'invite sur la TNT

Direct Star s'invite sur la TNT
[FR] Aujourd'hui à 20h précise la chaîne Virgin 17 de la TNT cessera d'émettre et passera le flambeau à une nouvelle venue : Direct Star , une chaîne résolument orienté musique puisque les programmes musicaux devrait occuper 75% de son antenne, la part...
27 août 2010

Une rentrée accordée pour Orange et Deezer

Une rentrée accordée pour Orange et Deezer
[ FR] Orange et Deezer auront finalement officialisés hier un accord commercial qui devrait profiter à l'un comme à l'autre. Le leader français des télécommunications entre donc au capital de la start-up à hauteur de 11%.L’opérateur français proposera...
19 octobre 2010

With IE9, Microsoft go back on the right way !

With IE9, Microsoft go back on the right way !
[EN] Is Microsoft Internet Explorer finally go back on the right way ? After years of wandering, the rebel Microsoft's child who had decided to go on his own way, to live a life outside of a standardization of the web, an attitude a bit anarchic and revolutionary...
1 septembre 2010

Sortie Ciné : une version longue d'Avatar aujourd'hui en salles

Sortie Ciné : une version longue d'Avatar aujourd'hui en salles
"Il y a des chef d'oeuvre si fastidieux qu'on admire qu'il se soit trouvé quelqu'un pour les écrire". [Jean Rostand] [FR] Aujourd'hui mercredi, jour des sorties cinéma, le blog O[k]rina a décidé de revenir sur ce qui fût l'évènement de l'année 2009 à...
9 septembre 2010

Portrait de la semaine : Seth Brau

Portrait de la semaine : Seth Brau
[FR] Le portrait de la semaine est consacré aujourd'hui à Seth Brau , un artiste discret qui travail essentiellement en indépendant comme designer et animateur depuis son studio à New York. Une grande partie de son travail est fondé sur l'utilisation...
2 octobre 2010

Harry Potter might return to school soon ?

Harry Potter might return to school soon ?
[EN] While a film adaptation of the seventh, and supposedly the final book of the adventures of Harry Potter will release next month in an unusual version (in two parts). The literature miss Harry Potter, a long absence shared with her sensitive writter...
5 octobre 2010

CEATEC : future will come from Tokyo !

CEATEC : future will come from Tokyo !
[EN] The CEATEC opened today in Tokyo, an exhibition dedicated to the technologies that will shape our future, the place is well located because Japan is the state of technology ; we must recognize a massive japanese domination in computering, automotive,...
1 mars 2013

Skype wanted for the murder of MSN

Skype wanted for the murder of MSN
[EN] This is a global mourning for the generation that saw the emergence of Internet, the first 56 k modem and of course used to spend hours on that famous MSN Messenger. Released in 1999, the instant messaging software today owned by Microsoft has revolutionized...
23 novembre 2010

Tron Legacy : rebirth of a masterpiece !

Tron Legacy : rebirth of a masterpiece !
[EN] The highly anticipated event of this winter is both audio and visual with the release of Tron Legacy, a remake of the original movie Tron directed by Steven Lisberger (1982), now revised and corrected with current digital technology. The original...
14 octobre 2010

Decaux write the future advertising !

Decaux write the future advertising !
[EN] Decaux, the european specialist in urban furnitures, which recently launched the first perfume diffuser signs that seduced every french fragrance brand, introduced yesterday its new innovation ! You probably expect a new sensitive experience as you...
4 décembre 2010

Blackberry empathy : the first sensitive phone !

Blackberry empathy : the first sensitive phone !
[EN] Here comes a new era for the communication with this excellent concept by Kiki Tang and Daniel Yoon, in partnership with the Blackberry company, that introduced the Blackberry Empathy, the first intuitive mobile phone reacted according to the emotions...
6 décembre 2010

Facebook dressed up its new layout

Facebook dressed up its new layout
[EN] Facebook has unveiled today its new layout, more oriented image ! A small photo gallery of 5 pictures is now included directly on the profile ! You can also describe a little bit more your cursus to easy find old friends ! Navigation had also been...
21 septembre 2010

Cinema : The french empire strikes back

Cinema : The french empire strikes back
[EN] Above, have a look of what will looks like the revolution for the French cinema in a little bit more than two years ! The building of the future "city of Cinema" begins this month in Saint Denis with a man behind this project : Luc Besson ! The french...
31 octobre 2010

Does Microsoft really think he could write the future of the mobile phone ?

Does Microsoft really think he could write the future of the mobile phone ?
[EN] What about Windows Phone 7 ? Sucess ? or defeat ? While ads are on every chanels on TV, first mobile phones with Windows Mobile 7 finally comes up in stores ! But what is the future of Windows Mobile 7 mobile compare to the iPhone and Android already...
6 septembre 2010

A peine la fin de l'été, que les Klaxons font du bruit à La Cigale !

A peine la fin de l'été, que les Klaxons font du bruit à La Cigale !
[FR] Actualité musicale aujourd'hui avec la sortie à la fin du moi d'août du nouvel album des Klaxons , un groupe londonien dans la tendance New Rave avec des accents électroniques, bref le style psychédélique des Klaxons est authentique et "so british"....
8 septembre 2010

Un nouvel iPod touch sur les trâces de l'iPhone 4 !

Un nouvel iPod touch sur les trâces de l'iPhone 4 !
[FR] Le dernier né d'Apple marcherait-il sur les plates bandes de son aîné ? Le nouvel iPod Touch dévoilé aujourd'hui par Apple s'inspire de l'iPhone 4 pour nous présenter sans grande surprise les mêmes fonctionnalités que celui-ci... parmi ses caractéristiques...
3 septembre 2010

Ping, le revers d'Apple

Ping, le revers d'Apple
[FR] Pour les utilisateurs d' iTunes , Vous avez peut être été confrontés il y a quelques heures à la mise à jour en version 10, une version graphiquement plus épurée qui apporte une nouvelle dimension à iTunes avec l'apparition du module Ping ? Dévoilé...
25 novembre 2010

Toshiba Folio 100 : An ad full of creativity for a powerfull device !

Toshiba Folio 100 : An ad full of creativity for a powerfull device !
[EN] Toshiba competes with a creative ad, graphically interesting that re-introduce the graphic tablet FOLIO 100 ! With many benefits (webcam, multitouch, SD card, HDMI output...and so much more ) the last Toshiba tablet could get out the famous iPad...
29 novembre 2010

Yulia Brodskaya in collaboration with the RATP !

Yulia Brodskaya in collaboration with the RATP !
[EN] Some news about the french subway in Paris, with this ad made in collaboration with Yulia Brodskaya, a young artist you may have discover the impressive and daunting work last year in an issue of Etape Graphique ! She works with strips of paper that...
21 février 2013

iWatch : from the rumor to a reality !

iWatch : from the rumor to a reality !
[EN] The latest rumors about a possible Apple iWatch is now confirmed with a deposit recently of a patent. Gyro technology for a display according to the angle of your wrist, WIFI and Bluetooth connection for perfect synchronization with your iDevices,...
24 octobre 2010

Mac OS X Lion : what goes around, comes around !

Mac OS X Lion : what goes around, comes around !
[EN] What goes around, comes around in Apple Inc ! Apple starting few years ago and took the best from Mac OS X and brought it to the iPhone, then Apple took the best of the iPhone and brought it to the iPad... And now it's come back to Mac OS X to create...
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