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21 février 2013

iWatch : from the rumor to a reality !

iWatch : from the rumor to a reality !
[EN] The latest rumors about a possible Apple iWatch is now confirmed with a deposit recently of a patent. Gyro technology for a display according to the angle of your wrist, WIFI and Bluetooth connection for perfect synchronization with your iDevices,...
17 novembre 2010

The Beatles now on iTunes ! That's a surprise !! Disapointed ??

The Beatles now on iTunes ! That's a surprise !! Disapointed ??
16 novembre 2010

Apple keep surprising us with a mysterious coming surprise !

Apple keep surprising us with a mysterious coming surprise !
8 novembre 2010

Does the sucessfull year for the californian apple will finish on a bad touch ?

Does the sucessfull year for the californian apple will finish on a bad touch ?
[EN] In the very hard and busy computering market, we can't always win, and Apple know it ! So, after this successful year you should still expected surprises (the latest one was certainly OS-X Lion), but that's a defeat for the company which finally...
24 octobre 2010

Mac OS X Lion : what goes around, comes around !

Mac OS X Lion : what goes around, comes around !
[EN] What goes around, comes around in Apple Inc ! Apple starting few years ago and took the best from Mac OS X and brought it to the iPhone, then Apple took the best of the iPhone and brought it to the iPad... And now it's come back to Mac OS X to create...
8 octobre 2010

iTunes Ping : Barely out, already off the run !

iTunes Ping : Barely out, already off the run !
[EN] The latest fonction of iTunes 10 seems not very sucessfull ! After the iPad, a new iPod, new iPhone, Apple can't unfortunately always win... Last september, O[k]rina had some doubts about ping, several weeks after, the fonction had no more sucess...
25 septembre 2010

Android : Google draw tomorrow's mobile phone !

Android : Google draw tomorrow's mobile phone !
[EN] Since its introduction 18 months ago, the Android OS by Google try to compete with Apple and Microsoft ... It seemed very promising when has been released last year, and more than a year later, he kept its promises despite a slow ascent ! Indeed,...
8 septembre 2010

Un nouvel iPod touch sur les trâces de l'iPhone 4 !

Un nouvel iPod touch sur les trâces de l'iPhone 4 !
[FR] Le dernier né d'Apple marcherait-il sur les plates bandes de son aîné ? Le nouvel iPod Touch dévoilé aujourd'hui par Apple s'inspire de l'iPhone 4 pour nous présenter sans grande surprise les mêmes fonctionnalités que celui-ci... parmi ses caractéristiques...
5 septembre 2010

Keiichi Matsuda a la communication au bout des doigts

Keiichi Matsuda a la communication au bout des doigts
[FR] Qui n'a pas rêvé devant l'écran de travail de Tom Cruise dans Minority Report, ou devant la domotique de pointe de l'appartement de Rober Downey Jr. dans Iron Man ; il faut dire que les "blockbusters" américains savent faire rêver en truffant souvent...
3 septembre 2010

Ping, le revers d'Apple

Ping, le revers d'Apple
[FR] Pour les utilisateurs d' iTunes , Vous avez peut être été confrontés il y a quelques heures à la mise à jour en version 10, une version graphiquement plus épurée qui apporte une nouvelle dimension à iTunes avec l'apparition du module Ping ? Dévoilé...
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