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16 octobre 2010

Google link web and TV and write one more chapter of tomorrow's world

[EN] While the Web seems very busy right now, Google keep going to innovate with Google TV, introduced last Thursday ! Many are those who try to build tomorrow's TV without any success before but Google got an asset : Andoid ! It is this architecture...
9 octobre 2010

What's the next plan for Amazon ?

What's the next plan for Amazon ?
[EN] Before the end of the year, Amazon should launch a streaming video service ! You will have to pay monthly to access an unlimited supply of movies and television series from your computer, and from your TV if you have Internet on it. If the project...
17 septembre 2010

Explorer 9 : Microsoft finally agred with web standards

Explorer 9 : Microsoft finally agred with web standards
[EN] Computering news this week with Microsoft which unveiled last wednesday in San Francisco, a beta version of Explorer 9 ; a revisited interface, better performance, hardware acceleration AND FOR THE FIRST TIME at Microsoft, better compliance with...