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30 novembre 2010

Evian by Issey Miyake

[EN] In the run up to Christmas, is coming up in store the traditional limited edition of the bottle Evian, and this is the great Japanese stylist Issey Miyake, who design this special edition to offer us a simple and colorful version, a touch of fun,...
29 novembre 2010

Yulia Brodskaya in collaboration with the RATP !

Yulia Brodskaya in collaboration with the RATP !
[EN] Some news about the french subway in Paris, with this ad made in collaboration with Yulia Brodskaya, a young artist you may have discover the impressive and daunting work last year in an issue of Etape Graphique ! She works with strips of paper that...
28 novembre 2010

Harry Potter 7 & the deathly hallows : Everythings has a end !

[EN] There are 13 years ago that the entire planet (or almost) follows the adventures of the apprentice wizard and never be tire of it... The fans, of course, expressed their emotions when they discovered the last lines of the book seven, but the adaptation...
27 novembre 2010

Daft Punk : The game as changed

[EN] The pending return of Daft Punk was unbearable until this new, few weeks ago, about the original soundtracks composed for the film Tron Legacy and already a first single "Derezzed" available with a video clip, that reveal us a little bit more about...
26 novembre 2010

Messenger : une nouvelle campagne qui ne mène pas loin !

Un zest de créativité, une vidéo montée en stop motion avec des effets photos rétros très polaroid pour accentuer le côté “vintage”, ajoutez à ça une bande de copains branchés, habillés dans les règles de la tendance bobo parisien à laquelle s'ajoute...
25 novembre 2010

Toshiba Folio 100 : An ad full of creativity for a powerfull device !

Toshiba Folio 100 : An ad full of creativity for a powerfull device !
[EN] Toshiba competes with a creative ad, graphically interesting that re-introduce the graphic tablet FOLIO 100 ! With many benefits (webcam, multitouch, SD card, HDMI output...and so much more ) the last Toshiba tablet could get out the famous iPad...
24 novembre 2010

Microsoft Kinect : Let's move your body !

Microsoft Kinect : Let's move your body !
[EN] Nintendo launched the trend with the Wii and the Wiimote wich can analyze players' movements ; Then Sony, strongly inspired from Nintendo, proposed few months ago, Playstation-move, a controller that, combined with the PS3 camera can analyze with...
23 novembre 2010

Tron Legacy : rebirth of a masterpiece !

Tron Legacy : rebirth of a masterpiece !
[EN] The highly anticipated event of this winter is both audio and visual with the release of Tron Legacy, a remake of the original movie Tron directed by Steven Lisberger (1982), now revised and corrected with current digital technology. The original...
22 novembre 2010

Logitech C910 : Life in Full HD is now possible !

Logitech C910 : Life in Full HD is now possible !
[EN] That's not a big surprise, with the millions pixels everywhere, in our cameras, in our televisions, in our mobile phones, it's the turn of the webcam to live a revolution with Logitech which reveals the first webcam full HD (1080). The C910 (that's...
21 novembre 2010

SeeMyLoc vs Places by Facebook : It's all about geolocation !

SeeMyLoc vs Places by Facebook : It's all about geolocation !
[EN] Let's talk now about geolocation because today, Facebook could loose users and get a serious french competitor ! The 500 million friends company, wich was the first to use geolocation with this famous tool "Places" could loose reputation with the...
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